If enough money flees the country, it could hasten the inevitable restructuring of Greek debt – an outcome the European Central Bank is desperately trying to delay in the name of saving undercapitalized banks on the continent. 一旦逃离希腊的资金达到一定规模,将加速希腊债务不可避免地进行重组&欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)目前忙于拯救欧洲各国资本金不足的银行,因此竭力推迟这种局面的出现。
Even the European Central Bank, most hawkish of the big central banks, has lowered its rate to 1 per cent. 即使是大型中央银行中最为强硬的欧洲央行(ECB),也已将利率降至1%。
Changing interest rate is the most common money policy tool of the central bank in every country, and making use of interest rate to regulate the market price of stocks is also the most important policy method that the central banks often use to adjust stock prices. 摘要变动利率通常是各国中央银行最常用的货币政策工具,而利用利率调节股票市场价格也是各国央行经常使用的政策方法。
Based on the revised central bank law, the function of central banks contains monetary policy, financial stabilization and financial service. 根据新修订的中央银行法,中央银行的基本职能为制定和执行货币政策、维护金融稳定和提供金融服务。上述三大基本职能的执行效率与中央银行的纵向科层结构分工存在较大关联。
They will make reasonable expectations to the monetary policy of the central bank and decide how to react following the maximized profits principal. So, whether the goal of central bank can be achieved or not greatly depends on the sensitiveness, timeliness and effectiveness of commercial banks. 在这一条件下,中央银行的货币政策能否达到预期目标,并非完全取决于政策制定者的主观意愿,而在很大程度上取决于政策执行者商业银行对政策的反应是否灵敏、及时和有效。